

On the Things We Go Through...

It's Monday, just after lunch.

I'm sitting in the basement of a hostel in an upperclass area of London, though this place was the cheapest I could find.

There's a small of urine about the room. The seats are little more than cheep metal tables. Everything creeks or grones as the strange and oddly misshapen inhabitants of the place, none of whom are English native, naturally, move about on errands of their own.

Everything I own is sitting on a bed upstairs. The bed is one of ten, half of which are on top of the other five, squeezed into a small narrow room so there's just enough space to move between them.

Well, not everything.

My full set of free weights and some merchandise I've been unable to sell for more than a year, some garden forks, had to be left behind. And my speakers and a couple of other well used items were unceremoniously thrown into the rubbish, mostly on the basis that they were effective but inexpensive and can be repurchased easily (speakers were only 30 quid total from Argos which I can afford right now, but they got the job done nicely and were ageing).

Victims of necessity.

The casualties of my hurried exit and new accommodation conditions, which even strike me now as being unable to support the handful of items I brought with me.

I don't know what will become of that which I left behind. Not that it matters. My erstwhile flatmates can do whatever they like with them.

I still owe them two weeks rent, although that's not entirely accurate. She tried to overcharge me in the last few weeks, and Ive been paying 10-20 more per week than the property was worth for a year and a half. If anything she owes me a few hundred, though she'd never see it that way.

Either way however the point is moot. I can't pay it today without becoming homeless...more homeless than I am, so even if it was owed by my standards she wouldn't be getting it.

Presently Im trying to insert food into the gaping chasm that my stomach became after I forced myself to move and stay awake for near 24 hours, packing and shipping what passes for my life across central London.

Everything hurts. If I push myself at all I feel dizzy. And my future prospects simply involve more of the same exertion.

Overall it wasn't as bad as last time, which occasioned me to carry a very heavy weight a long distance, and in the cold no less.

Yesterday was just a long distance thanks to the underground and busses, and I was able to stop for a couple of hours mid way through.

However perspective is important in these matters, and here and now, everything hurts.

I said it previously and here it is again: the timing of my life lately has been hellish.

Chest infection before fitness test.

Eviction before two exams.

Ongoing homelessness whilst I'm a stones throw from being hired full time by the police. If I had my certificate in basic policing I could've joined up this month, and that's a fact.

When I tried to do nothing with my life it wasn't too bad. Now Im trying to improve it, learning policing and applying, and its just been one nightmare after another.

In two and a bit months, if I can make it that far, I should have my certificate and my place on the force, but that seems like the 2nd Tuesday of 4589 right now.

My sanity is holding up OK. Had lots of little fuck you issues, such as the nearest underground station only permitting exit and not entry, forcing me to cycle to the next station, though mostly I cycled a lot further to save on travel costs at the cost of my fitness. Little parcels of evil the universe decided to hit me with, with sapping solutions to make the whole job harder. Nothing to worry about.

Fitness though, yeah, once Ive recovered a bit I should be as hard and lithe as a teak chair given all the exercise Ive had.

Silver lining hunter, that's me.

 Gone all stiff now...the foods burning in the acid pit, had 4 hours in my old room and 4 more in the hostel, sleep that is, and feel too wired to sleep right now.

Sort possessions, shower now Im fed, and recharge my music player, which died whilst I was asleep here, and then try to find new accommodation.

Not entirely sure how because I could've sworn I spent more than I apparently have, but it seems Ive got enough to pay for the remainder of this weeks acom and one week one down as a key deposit, so if I can find a new room for 80 or preferably 70 per week with one or for preference two weeks deposit I should be able to move into it this week.

It's just a matter of finding.

Food, hygiene, find new accommodation, and college work. 

That's my entire todo list right now. 

And check in with the job centre on Wednesday, plus seeing if there's 20 quid somewhere to get my GP signature form for the police recruitment department.

Not an extensive list and somehow I actually have the coin to do it for once, which I can't stress is really unusual.

It's just that everything hurts right now...