

On Resolution...


Good news bad news day today [heh, I can write].

Woke up and ate scrambled eggs on toast with the odd mod that the egg was simply whisked before being microwaved and more like an egg stake than scrambled.

Played three matches of TOME: Immortal Arena to wake up and scored well with the new champions on free rotation [I've only been able to buy 2 so far]. Their Wizard, their Angel and their Pyromage. I love the champion functionality in the game, even if they are individually mostly just variations on a theme. The themes are good, so their variations are fun. Taking bloody ages to level up though and I want access to their version of runes and masteries.


Then got an email from the medical department of the MPS.

On the one hand it sounds like I've passed the Day 2 and will be getting into training, which is good. I'm choosing to take it that the fucking fitness instructor didn't detonate my fucking application.

On the other hand they told me I need to hand in a form from my GP before they can offer me a place, which I've got signed and passed but can't get from them because the thing costs £20, which isn't much but I've just been evicted and need new accommodation which I'll be lucky to get with the money I've got.

I pass the Day 2 despite a chest infection, I pass my exam despite flu, I get through the weekend from hell only to be evicted the following weekend, whereupon I need £20 for a doctors form and need to find somewhere new to live despite having two more exams on the weekend.


Last summer this wouldn't have been an issue for me. I could've paid everything and I was healthy and had no money troubles. This summer it's just one thing after another, making any given task I need to complete a fucking bitch.

And the worst part is that I still have to do it.

I have to move and hope I can find somewhere new to live. I have to do my college work and pass my exams. I have to find £20 for a fucking signature on a form and hope it's not too late to get into their recruitment round.

And it'll all be for nothing [pain without gain] because in two weeks time it'll be some other nightmare, depend upon it.

The one bright spot here is that, as I said before, I'm learning how to deal with some really stupid shit and bad timing, especially in terms of people management.

At the moment I'm working on finding new acom and passing this weekend's exams. After I've gotten a roof over my head again then I'll deal with the MPS recruitment process.


One bright spot is that I woke up this morning and didn't try to cough up my lungs, so the meds that I've been taking every five hours seem to be working. I can even wheeze now without then spending a couple of minuets coughing, which I've not been able to do in three months, so that's nice.

As I said; give me shit to deal with and I'll grab my shovel, but I need my health to do it.

It's amazing though that you spend three months with this persistent health issue and a few pills later and it's almost entirely gone. A drip, a drop of really odd tasting chemicals later [the roid I'm taking is the oddest thing I've ever had in my mouth, Salbutamol Sulphate] and your biology sorts itself out. Amazing.


Found a new place to live. It's off on the other side of London in Heathrow, near the airport, but it's close to the MPS offices where I'm doing my testing and the same distance from the college campus where I'm doing my certification course, so that's alright.

Only costs £70.00 per week with two weeks deposit too. A bit of an issue with that I'm not currently employed, but I've got a viewing tomorrow and I think he'll understand about me being on benefits for two more months before working for the police service.

It's this place or moving into a hostel on Sunday anyway as I've got to be out on Monday.

£70 a week should be fine, it'll give me extra money to sort myself out for now, and I rarely go out so with the Barclay's cycle hire service I should be able to make the distance a few times a week to my regular check in with the benefits office and to get to college so I'm sure it'll be OK.

I could use the exercise besides given that I had to stop running for the last several months due to this chest infection. Need to get my fitness back up before training.


This hot mess is out on the 17th of July. :D

The first Planet of the Apes movie was really well written and entertaining, so I'm expecting great things of this. I'm going to go see it at Peckhamplex in Packham London. £7 for fucking 3D viewing. Never go to those overpriced fucking Odeons.

I'm erudite. I'm intelligent. I'm learned. It's one of my key aspects. If you ask me to describe myself, somewhere in the list of characterizing locution is going to be the word 'Genius'.

And I like Michael Bay's fucking movies.

I watch them because sometimes I enjoy two or three hours of TICK, TICK, BEWM. I'm not expecting Shakespeare, I'm expecting bullets and fireballs and would be angry if I didn't get it.

Like the man said in response to critique: "I make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime." And I might be bordering on 30 but as is well known, the first step to wisdom is to perceive as a small child. And I passed that a long time ago, and a part of me, the part that is fed every time I sprint when running, loves the Transformer movies for giant robots kicking the oily crap out of each other.

Stop pooping on the guy for making bad movies people, he gives ya what you pay for. D:


That's about it I think. Going to go play a couple of TOME matches and then write up the revision materials for Saturday so I can study them today and tomorrow and probably on the way to my lecture on Saturday.

*rubs palm across head* Ah, maybe I will go shave, THEN deal with college mats, AFTER gaming. Stupid freaking hair.

Today: shave and college work [revision mats first].
Tomorrow: 4pm viewing of property which requires about 3 hours to get to.
Saturday: college lecture and exams.
Sunday: Remove possessions from flat, either into new room or hostel.
Monday: Depends on new room or hostel. If new room, buy foods and do college work. If hostel, find new room and college work.

That's the next few days. Fun, fun, fun...oy vey...