

On Bugs...

Mother fucking bugs. I hate bugs. All bugs. I got 20 odd bites, yes, TWO ZERO, on my left wrist, another handful on my right, and two super itchy bastards on my lower back.

Of all the side effects of sleeping outdoors under a fucking tree (isnt my life just a fairy tale for the ages) high on my list wasn't being partially eaten by wildlife.

Bought some anti-histamines but they don't work very well and the shower I just took has made me itch again.

Mother fucking bugs.


Got in sometime early Monday morning.

I didn't sleep well outside, especially in the wee hours because it was freezing, so I took a five hour nap on a sofa in the TV lounge.

By then I could claim the key to my room, cleaned up, ate something and passed out.

Slept for a good 12 hours or so, took inventory, liked my bank balance (worth two nights in the cold, even with the bites, which is even more fucking annoying), and went to college to do some work on their PCs.


This is where I ran into another slice of stupid.

I went to the college last Thursday to use their PCs to get my college work done.

This is perfectly reasonable given that a) the only way to do the work is online and b) the college is full of PCs for students to use which are not being used at present as the place is 'closed' for the summer.

I say 'closed' because for a building that's shut down there's an awful lot of fucking noise going on there.

Anyway, they said I need authorisation from my tutor, I tell my tutor this and he says to tell him when Im at the college, I tell him when I arrive, and (eventually) I learn that he was off today but came in to let me in around 9am when I arrived at the campus around 12pm.

He was there at 9 because I said I'd be there too, but he took my vague intention of might be there as a warrant to come in on his day off at 9am and wait around for two hours to let me in.

This would've been fine, his cock up, should've confirmed with me that I definitely would be there, etc. Instead however I end up being told off by the receptionist for not being punctual to an appointment I didn't even know I had, and apologising to him for his for his mistaken assumption that I definitely would be there.

I hate fucking dealing with humans.

ANYWAY, so I ask for a complaint form thinking to file a complaint about not simply being able to use a computer (see above regarding no PC, no work).

Eventually after much explaining (as though this is some complex fucking request) we establish that outside of term time only classes with tutors can make use of the PCs.

No tutor, no use, and I need access 5 days a week, so I can't ask Jimmy to come in every day even if I had met him this morning.

So, I'm taking a course at a college. My course is all online. I don't have long term access to a PC (the library provides 120 minuets per day per account). And the college has a fuckton of unused PCs because its outside term time. And between the receptionist, security on the other side of reception, AND my damn course tutor we can't seem to come to an arrangement whereby one student has free access to a workstation.

NOTE: its not an issue of logging on or anything, just being able to sit down a d use one because I have an account already.

As I implied; welcome to the stupid bullshit show.

After I apologised to my course tutor for his cock up with the meeting time this morning he did email the college reception and asked them to let me use one of the PCs in a large glass panelled room just off of reception that you don't even need to pass through security to use (so long as reception and security is present, its open, so 9-5 every day).

I'm not making the four hour round trip to find out if that worked tomorrow though, Im just going to go work (very, very slowly on my phone) in the library near the hostel.

On Friday or Saturday when I have a class I may see if I can't organise it the but Im emailing a complaint to someone tomorrow.

That bitchy receptionist will be the highlight, followed by the college's amazing ability to offer digital courses and its equally amazing inability to allow students to do their online course work at the bloody college.

I can't be the first student ever to run into a broken home PC whilst taking a part time course in Summer. 


Going to sleep shortly and then making a pilgrimage to a 24 hour ASDA to buy some foods in bulk on the cheap.

Then when I get back Im going to the library to get at least 8 hours work, mainly revision for this weekends exams.

Ordered book 5 of the Iron Druid Chronicles from an online book store for 4 quid as well. Cheaper than the eBook (how stupid is that: hard copy is slower but cheaper than soft) and I don't have time for reading until Sunday when the library is shut so I can wait a couple of days.

For now, I bid thee good night.