

On Doing it Right...


Had a good day so far.


It's about 14:00, I'm sitting in class listening to Mr. Vacuum drone on about traffic offences, and writing this because my phone's net won't connect so I can't get on with the quizzes so Im taking care of this now rather than later.

Woke up around 5am after 8 hours snooze. More or less anyway cus around 10 last night after I'd been asleep for an hour or so, a load of drunken putzes moved into my dorm room and make a fuck ton of noise. This morning the place was a freaking pile too, but I got some of my own back getting ready for college.

Then got musli for breakfast, 5:45, showered by 6:15, out by 6:30, and then got to college an hour too early at 8am after getting caffeine.

Slept, fed, clean, and caffeinated, on time and even prepped for my exam today too. Not bad that.

Think I might have fucked up the end of it but Ive already gotten a couple of questions wrong anyway last exam so anything I get wrong now will just be added to those two and I'll redo it on the 20th of September.

They charge £35 for the resit, but they compile all resit questions into one paper. 

So on the one hand, given that all students need to score 100% on all exams, one failed question costs you £35.00, on the other hand, if you have 10 failed questions by the end you just sit those 10 in the resit for £35.00 so.

Including one free resit in the fucking course costs would be the most advisable thing, but this is what I've got here and now.

We'll see what happens.

I'm well behind on my coursework quizzes, mostly because I lost my PC and can't work through them efficiently but I did have a word with the admin tutor for my course and we might have worked out a way which will let me work on the college's PCs.

Basically he's emailed reception, so next Wednesday when I pass by the college on route to check in with the job centre Ill pop into the campus and try to log on to the PCs.

If no one says anything, no worries, and if they do I'll tell them that my tutor has given me authorisation and see what they say.

Pass it off to he himself like and act like its a non-issue, which it is.


Mr. Vacuum just said that I can't pay attention to him and my phone.

I laughed slightly and said 'yes, I can', and I did so cus the guy just drones on about the course slides. I don't need to listen to pay my entire attention to that.

He hasn't pressed the point, and that's fine with me.


I wrote something amusing on 'Art' on Twitter but I can't access Twitter at the moment due to lack of wifi.

Basically I was walking to college this morning and passed a building which had to my eyes a pile of rubbish on a balcony.

I puzzled slightly over this for a moment until I looked up slightly and saw the sign which stated 'The Royal College of Art'.

So the large pile of rubbish on the balcony wasn't a large pile of rubbish on a balcony, it was art.

I'm of the opinion though that a large pile of rubbish on a balcony is still a large pile of rubbish even if the balcony is part of the Royal College of Art.

Upon tweeting this someone tried to rib me over it but I can't post that cus I can't access das Tweeter.


Next up is snooze cus Im feeling the 5am right now, and then running and/or reading if I can find a Waterstones that has a copy of Trapped in stock.
