

On Aftermath...

Got to college.

Just about made it and was just about ready for the exam. The tutor did two things of note:

Firstly after the exam he read over the papers we handed in. Told us that no one had really missed the point entirely but we could skip copying the question in our answer; give two examples of, two examples of, etc.

And secondly he said, and this is dam nonsense, that we all need 100% on the exam. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, which means that every single one of us will be taking a retake of the questions we got wrong at the end of the course because no one aced it first try, and that's a fact.

Nearly fell asleep three times during the lecturing, and then got told we've got two more exams next week. Joy. On the other hand [each week is 2 weeks apart] I've got 2 weeks to prep, the flu is abating and all I've got to do is move out of my current acom and revise so it's not too bad really.

I say my flu is fading, but when I stopped yesterday for some reason my throat nearly closed with mucus forcing me to wheeze and then cough until it cleared. What the hell with that? Right now I'm coughing and tasting nasty. I'm going to the doctors on Monday for signatures for the police so I'll make an appointment with them and get checked out.

Asides from that, I got in...OK, god dam, I thought it was 6:42pm. xD

It's 6:42am, and I slept from around 6 last night right through till 6 this morning. I was wondering why the sun hadn't set yet and thought I had been asleep only an hour or two. Only just put it together that I've been out for 12 hours.

So, was awake from 12am till 5-6pm, 12-12+4 = a full waking day [8am-8pm, plus 4 hours is midnight, 8 hours sleep till 8am] which is like 1-2 in the morning. Slept for 11-12 hours and feel like I could use 11-12 more.

Resting today, cleaning this evening cus I can't see my bedroom floor, going to the doctors tomorrow for my throat and signatures, plus a few other places, including cancelling the housing benefits tribunal and Big Yellow Storage to arrange a hole to throw my crap into for the time being and my new residence to book to a bed.

I'm dehydrated, starving, my vision isn't happy, I wish it nighttime, and I'm still coughing and/or wheezing. My abuse corpus isn't happy about being put through the last three days.

As I said before; other people don't have to do this shit. Other people don't get flu right before a fitness exam, other people don't have exams the day after, other people don't need to half kill themselves to accomplish their goals.

The world doesn't hate other people like it hates me. It gives or it ignores, it doesn't give and then put them through hell in the getting.

Whatever, I'm going back to bed.