

So Thats What Happened...

Sup. Not sure how long this is going to be. Kinda walking around with a hair trigger temper for reasons I will shortly impart and anytime I start to do anything I very soon get bored with it and stop so. Let's just see what we can do here.

Returned the laptop from Tescos which couldn't run League of Legends. Took the thing to a Tescos store, went to customer services, they asked for the receipt, couldn't find the receipt despite still wearing the same clothes I was when I picked it up [I hoard receipts, and the only one that went missing was the one I got for a £230 laptop...], had the code I used to pick it up but their genius online delivery service is designed so unless you have the receipt they don't have a clue about the order...alright, so I return home, search through all my pockets again, my laptop bag, my locker, and even the box the laptop came in...nothing. Eventually I settle for getting Sexy Receptionist to print off a copy of the order form from my email account, go back, and they accept it and issue me a refund that will take a few working days to get back into my account which I planned on buying another laptop with that had a little more juice. That was Friday.

Over the weekend I was looking around on eBay at laptops and found that there was this one dude auctioning off his old laptop - an i5 2.6GHz duelcore with 6gig RAM and 1tb HDD, which was ideal - for about £135 at the time. I dropped bids up to a max of £200 and got first place at £190. I asked to buy it outright for £200, seller said no, so with 6 hours left on the clock and last minuet bids I put in a max of £300 [a max means that if someone else bids £195 then my account auto-bids £200, up to, in this case, £300] and trotted off to the gym and then to Meltdown London to play some League of Legends on their uber powerful laptops. Got back around midnight after my muscles started to ache [and BOY did they start to...well searing agony doesn't quite cover it two days later; Saturday was one hell've an epic workout] and checked my email account. The stupid bastard seller had sent me 3 emails and eBay had sent me 2; the first email from eBay said "You've won your item at £245" which was great, the first, second and third email from the stupid bastard all demanded payment and were sent 5, 10 and 15 minuets after the auction closed, the last one being aggressive and angry, and the second from eBay said the sale was cancelled. Once I pointed out to said stupid bastard that it was Saturday, I went to the gym and a pub, and he should've waited till the following day he was very apologetic. He also said he had sold the item to someone else. Not having any of it I reported him to eBay and he's still asking me to cancel the sale in the eBay UI, which I'm not doing out of spite.

Turns out however it was a good thing that I didn't actually buy the new laptop because I got a letter on Monday from my last housing benefits office, a bill for £560 odd which they had overpaid me because I had moved out of the area. Thinking that can't be right, I moved my claim two months ago, jobseekers allowance and housing benefits both and have been receiving them fine since they must be confused. Turns out that the job center hadn't been paying my JSA and that the money I had been receiving was two sets of housing benefits payments. So where I thought I hadn't received my biweekly JSA payment after 2 days, turns out I hadn't received it for 2 months. Sorted out my JSA claim, which in turn notified my last HB office so the bill is legit. Goodbye new laptop money.

I can't place ALL of the blame on the benefits payments processing center because somehow I didn't notice for 2 months I was getting £160 instead of £120. It's not a small difference, £40 every two weeks, but I didn't realize it.

On the other hand, the job center has been signing me for 2 months now and didn't have clue one that I wasn't being paid. I mean, where the hell was the paperwork going? The requests for payment? The notifications that we've got someone coming in every two weeks who we're not paying. On top of that, why didn't my new Housing Benefits office notify the one old one that they were paying me now? Who knows...

But yeah, that happened. What's that? Fuck up no6 now? I think it's number 6. Every single damn time I try to follow protocol with these fucking morons this shit happens. It's just lucky I have the money to repay them this time because last time a HB office put in a bill for £1370 I think it was, and I'm still having a reduction of £6 per week off my JSA for that.

And by rights, and this is what is really pissing me off, I should've been in full time paid training with the London Met Police Service by now, only I've been kept waiting more than a fucking MONTH for a 4 page doctor signed medical form that's with my medical records everyone else received with a couple of days [fuck up no 4 that is, and the clock is still counting].

I am beyond angry right now. Mostly I'm just tired of all this. Every single time I try to accomplish anything, meant to, not meant to but something I'm doing to try to improve my life, the universe steps in and fucks it up. I just don't want to even try anymore. Not trying means nothing can go wrong. I can't win by doing nothing, but when have I ever won anything? I don't get rewarded for trying, I just get more grief. The idea was to get the medical form, put it in with the police, and have done, but even that simple little task has taken a dozen times longer than it should, and two neigh catastrophic events have occurred by following the rules and doing what I'm meant to.

The game is rigged.

Why bother even trying when you've lost before you make you're first move?

So, I've developed a base case of defeatism [constant defeat, defeatism syndrome, quite appropriate really], I have developed some new strength from the gym though with my current anger issues three people have nearly died through being terminally stupid, and I'm still wondering about sexy receptionist but she really isn't right for me [besides, relationships aren't for cursed lepers].

My life. One big happy fun, fun, fun circus of dreams and laughter. With murderous robo clowns and an asshole with a whip driving me forward.