

Lets See How This Shit Pans Out

Well, that was an even more unpleasant interlude...

...Good morning.

It is now Saturday morning. I'm sitting in the basement of the current hostel I'm living in and writing this in Notepad due to lack of hostel wifi.

Just slept for about twelve and a half hours, and the only thing I've been able to get hold of so far to undo the dehydration and hunger is a couple of litres of Summer Fruits squish.

I would have bacon pasta but this hostel provides guests with breakfast from 7-9 then closes the kitchen 9-10, and they've run over so I won't be able to make breakfast for about another hour as it's 9:30.

The girl I'm currently into sent me a pussy video to go with her tit pic I got a couple of weeks ago. It's a really nice pussy to go with her nice tits (and matching kinks) and I feel is worth the effort to try to get bits of me into, but hospitalization has meant she had to gain quite a bit of weight [Doctors don't like you to eat whilst they're working on you, and you're body burns fat whilst you're healing, so they told her to turn into a killer whale before her operation] so we'll be getting her to a gym when she's healthy before I lose my 30 year old virgin card.

It's more or less what I was looking for; she's a friend I can have sex with, who I can talk to, who understands and gives a crap about me, who has a body I'm attracted to.

She's a bit weird [what human isn't to me], oddly shy, can't argue and a bit too girly, and doesn't like to tell me some things because of her abusive ex who used that information against her, whereas to me it's just information, no matter how personal or intimate, it's just 1's and 0's.

We get along because she can tell me anything and I just analyze it and reply, and she doesn't get weirded out when my brain decides to overthink and expound upon some odd notion only a genius would find curious.

I wouldn't say we're a match made in heaven. I need and want someone way more stronger, personally and physically, for a long term relationship, then she is, but for my first sexual and personal relationship at my age, she fits.

That's the good news: sexy times on the horizon.

The bad news is that [I've no freaking clue what my last post was about right now and can't check as it's saved online] the job center have decided to refer me to this job recruitment company who I saw for the first time yesterday.

They gave me an inch thick stack of forms, I filled these out, and they said that early next week that they will phone me to come in and meet an employer for an interview.

On the one hand, if this pans out, and that's a big fucking IF because the job center's referrals are usually a waste of time, and I'd know because I've had them before, I'll be employed within a couple of weeks and earning some much needed monies to restore all of my broken and aging shit before finishing my application to the police and getting on with that.

On the other hand, what I'm expecting here is for a lot of my time to be wasted as they shove exercises in futility down my throat as I desperately try to get my college work done and my police application finished and finalized.

I'm still fucking livid that, at the finish, some new bullshit I can't do anything about is standing between me and victory, but a] I cannot indeed do anything about it but cooperate, and b] if it does pan out then it'll only slow me down whilst making shit easier.

It's annoying, tiring and probably futile, but...what can I do?

So, back to today...

Got 12:30 hours sleep, as soon as the cleaners are done in the kitchen I'm going to eat my weight in tastie pasta, and then go and shower and shave.

After that I go find some wifi, post this, and then do as much college work as I'm able.

Tomorrow, same thing more or less.

Monday and Tuesday, rent and laundry, do college work and then check in with the job center again on Wednesday and wait for a call from the recruitment company.

I've already spoken to my college course tutor and told him the situation - I basically said, I know what needs to be done, I don't have time to do it though, it's partly your fault so don't you dare complain about it, I'll get back to you - and yeah, it's just a matter of time until it's sorted, one way or the other.

Recover and keep trying. Usual crap.

It's 10am and I've run out of mental gas so I'm going to go see about something edible.

Till tomorrow, adue.